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See how other companies engage more users with their integrations

From out-of-the-box UI elements to fully customized experiences, our embed tools simplify how your users connect your apps with their other favorite tools. Explore how partners are showcasing their integrations.

From out-of-the-box UI elements to fully customized experiences, our embed tools make it easier for your users to connect your apps with their other favorites. Explore how partners are showcasing their integrations below.

Explore embed tools

ā€œJotform customers who use Zapier within the form builder are 25 times more likely to upgrade to a paid plan. Zapierā€™s Partner API allowed us to present a consistent, native user experience with our branding and style while offering Zapier functionality.ā€

Uğur Ugurlu

Head of Integrations at Jotform

"The number of ZenMaid users adopting Zapier jumped 54% the quarter after we released the embed. These maid service owners were also the savviest on our platform, the most successful, generated 27% more revenue than their peers on average, and were less likely to leave ZenMaid. It's a win-win-win!"

Ryan Williams

Director of Demand Generation at ZenMaid

Not sure which tool to start with?

Partner SolutionUse caseSet up time

Inspire users with sample workflows and show off all the 6,000+ apps they can connect with and let them manage their workflows without leaving your site

2-3 hours


Make Zapier fit perfectly into your appā€™s design and flow, from signing up users to helping them manage their workflows without leaving your site

3 weeks - 3 months


Makes signing your users up a breeze by bypassing email and password requirements

5 minutes with existing embeds


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